Monday, March 31, 2014

Right now I was as ready for the 3rd US Cup as I would ever be, but as we lined up on the start line I could not help but feel nervous, and very tired from my sleepless night.  The Fontana course was technical and even at the start line the tires of our bikes sank into thick, crushed, asphalt quickly followed by a tight sandy turn, I knew it would be rough getting the hole shot; but after the start I could not have asked for a more perfect position.  I was right behind one of the fastest juniors, Haley Batten, and I wanted to stay as close as possible to her throughout the duration of the race.  First lap..."you're 15 seconds behind!" Climbing up the hills I was able to close a little bit of the gap between us, and downhill I kept her in my sights.  We rolled through the finish for our second lap where I heard..."you're 10-15 seconds behind!" PERFECT. But a few fatal mistakes cost me everything I worked hard for.  Crashing twice at the same spot and getting tangled up with another racer off their bike as I whipped around a corner made it hard to recover, but I hopped back on and raced as hard as I could.  The descents were fast and slippery, and the hills becoming extremely tiring, but I did not want to slow down.

I pushed hard to the finish line, frustrated, and with a few cuts and bruises, but I was very happy to have finished my race with second place.  I was challenged physically and mentally throughout the entire course, competing with really fast girls, but I cannot wait to race again and see what I am capable of.  I would not be as successful as I am now if I did not have the great support that I am blessed with.

Thank you to my parents for traveling and supporting me, and my family friends who take care of whatever I may need! Ryan Geiger, my coach, with Geiger Coaching, who has helped me train with amazing results!!!  Pivot Cycles and Absolute Bikes, thank you for the AWESOME Pivot LES 27.5!

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